The Ladybug Play 🐞

As we are ready to welcome spring inspite of temperature ups and downs , we are learning the elements of Spring. Bugs are one kind that we are again going to see a lot. So learning about them a little bit , will help Moha to correlate and of course love them more. We learned about ladybug few days ago. As a starter, the night before the activity, we read the book “The Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle @worldericcarle. The next morning she just loved her play setup because she can relate.

So what we did:

  1. Sensory bins with rice, flowers, leaves and lady bugs. Lots of free play. She pretended the lady bugs are eating aphids from the leaves.
  2. We made few lady bugs with the papers. The papers are chosen as red, yellow, orange to let her know that ladybugs can be of different colors. I don’t have pics for it because we made them at different time.
  3. We matched the uppercase and lowercase letters from a sticker page to construct “LADYBUG”
  4. During sensory play, she was narrating the story “The Grouchy Ladybug” which I was so happy to listen. While narrating she took two ladybugs and called them “this is the friendly ladybug and this is grouchy one” and played as per story narration.
  5. We talked about the ladybugs who were present in our mini garden 🪴 last summer and when they are going to come back again.
  6. The big success of a play setup to me is, when My little one keeps coming back to the table several times a day and Keeps playing for sometime on her own. So this setup was a big success.
    Don’t forget to check our special guest visited last year. Eagerly waiting for her visit this year too. ❤️🥰
#talesofamessymother #myplayismywork #toddleractivities #toddlerplayideas #sensoryplay #sensorybins #openendedplay #pretendplay #alphabetplay #springplay #ladybug

We played this setup when Moha was 31months old.

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